字段名 | 字段说明 | OWNER | Username of the segment owner | SEGMENT_NAME | Name, if any, of the segment | PARTITION_NAME | Partition/Subpartition Name, if any, of the segment | SEGMENT_TYPE | Type of segment: "TABLE", "CLUSTER", "INDEX", "ROLLBACK", "DEFERRED ROLLBACK", "TEMPORARY","SPACE HEADER", "TYPE2 UNDO" or "CACHE" | SEGMENT_SUBTYPE | SubType of Lob segment: "SECUREFILE", "ASSM", "MSSM", NULL | TABLESPACE_NAME | Name of the tablespace containing the segment | HEADER_FILE | ID of the file containing the segment header | HEADER_BLOCK | ID of the block containing the segment header | BYTES | Size, in bytes, of the segment | BLOCKS | Size, in Oracle blocks, of the segment | EXTENTS | Number of extents allocated to the segment | INITIAL_EXTENT | Size, in bytes, of the initial extent of the segment | NEXT_EXTENT | Size, in bytes, of the next extent to be allocated to the segment | MIN_EXTENTS | Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment | MAX_EXTENTS | Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment | MAX_SIZE | Maximum number of blocks allowed in the segment | RETENTION | Retention option for SECUREFILE segment | MINRETENTION | Minimum Retention Duration for SECUREFILE segment | PCT_INCREASE | Percent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocated | FREELISTS | Number of process freelists allocated in this segment | FREELIST_GROUPS | Number of freelist groups allocated in this segment | RELATIVE_FNO | Relative number of the file containing the segment header | BUFFER_POOL | The default buffer pool to be used for segments blocks |
对于上面的表格,补充以下说明: header_file:表示这个段的头在哪个数据文件里面,因为段可以跨数据文件。
pct_increase:percent increase表示第三个或后续的extent的大小比前一个增加的百分比,如第一个extent是64K,第二个是64K,pct_increase=50%,则第三个extent是64K*1.5=96K,第四个96K*1.5=144K,依次类推。 relative_fno:该段所在数据文件的relative fno。